
Since the inception of Berkeley Pharma Tech, we have been pioneers in identifying Trailblazers in the field of Biotechnology, those who can propose path breaking solutions to address urgent health concerns of the present day.



To distill and accelerate the latest ideas in biotechnology.



Our aim is to provide guidance to our fellows and enable them to create start-ups in the biotechnology industry. The fellows will take part in hands-on projects that result in the spinning out of companies, and ultimately, the creation of innovative medicine and medical devices to improve the quality of life.



Our goal is to launch 100 biotech companies in 10 years.

What We Have PLANNED

Offer expert services and consultations to student-scientists

Offer expert services and consultations to student-scientists

Assist in Research Grant writing

Assist in Research Grant writing

Create cross-functional groups by matching individuals of diverse backgrounds for collaboration

Create cross-functional groups by matching individuals of diverse backgrounds for collaboration

Set up boot camps to accelerate team building

Set up boot camps to accelerate team building

Organize conferences to address opportunities in the life sciences

Organize conferences to address opportunities in the life sciences

Create early-stage life science companies

Create early-stage life science companies

Find funding partners for the early-stage start-ups

Find funding partners for the early-stage start-ups

“All great inventions emerge from a long sequence of small sparks; the first idea often isn’t all that good, but thanks to collaboration it later sparks another idea, or it’s reinterpreted in an unexpected way. Collaboration brings small sparks together to generate breakthrough innovation.”
— Scott Belsky, Making Ideas Happen